Saturday, September 13, 2014

out of the box.

Healing can take a long time. It is not just our bodies that need to heal, but our minds and our spirits. A lot of times we forget that these three aspects are linked together--body, mind, and spirit. We may feel like we have overcome something or have healed, but a certain aspect may need a little more time. This is something that took me a while to realize. After eating more healthy, my body was beginning to heal rather quick, but my mind and my spirit took longer than I wanted. It wasn't until my mind started to change that my spirit followed... but how do you get your mind to change? When dealing with something that is so mentally poisoning, it seems impossible... but there are ways. 
Lately our coach has been talking to us about getting "outside of our boxes". You represent the box and there are several triangles that frame your box. The triangles are aspects that make you up as a person: talents, your family, goals, etc. Being focused on yourself and your problems means that you are inside of your box. You become more focused on what you don't have and things that are going wrong. This can quickly turn into a negative attitude and make you forget about others. You don't view people as people, but as objects. Traffic and long lines become the biggest pain and everyone else doesn't seem as important as yourself. You are your biggest priority. When you are focusing your attention this way, it is so easy to forget about all of the good in your life and the beautiful people around you. It makes it easy to become stuck and to feel down... this is what we don't want... 
When you focus your attention outside of your box, you are more focused on others and helping them use and accomplish the things in their triangles. When you have this mind set, and serving others is on your main focus, your life seems to become more positive and your triangles seem to get accomplished easier as well. Life just seems to be a little bit brighter and run just a little smoother. Lines and traffic don't seem to be as big of a deal, and you are more grateful. I feel like this "out of the box" tactic is a great way to switch your mind set and give you a greater perspective. 
... Along with being out of the box and trying to focus on others, really try and focus on getting those negative thoughts about yourself out of your head. We are so quick to compare ourselves and our success to others and those small negative thoughts can spiral into something big and poisoning. For me, the negative thoughts are really hard to get rid of, but something that a sports psychologist recently taught me, has helped... & many it can do the same for you... 
I just want you to think about and incorporate these 3 tactics-- 
1. A "can do" attitude
Don't think about all the things you can't do, or shouldn't do wrong. Think about the 'can do's' and what you can do to improve. For every negative thought you put in your head, it takes three to counteract.  
2. Control the controllable
Some things are out of your hands. You can't control how people feel about you or what they say to you, but you can control you! you feel and your reaction. I am such a people pleaser and I just want everyone to be happy... so when it comes to someone not liking me, I do everything I can to turn that around. But why try so hard to turn something around that is out of your control? Don't waste your time worrying about what others think about you...that is simply all it is...a waste. Control what you can in your own life and just make sure you are being your best self.   
3. Live in the moment  
Fear and pressure do not exist in the moment. Those are things that stem from the past & the future. In the moment, there is only love & fun... so remember to do that a little more often;) 

...Take time to heal your body,mind, and spirit... 
...Think about being outside of your box everyday...&
...Get rid of those negative thoughts. 


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